TO our Beloved Teachers,
We will never forget this momentous day in our life-Our Graduation Day. Our four years of struggle, painstaking endeavor, our sacrifices especially in making projects, assignments and the burning of midnight oil will now come yo its end. We will leave the portals of our Alma Mater and prepare for another chapter of our life-The College Education.
To our beloved and ever patient teachers, what you had imparted to us will stay in our hearts and minds forever. We owe a lot from you for it not because of your scarifies and patience we are not here today. you're always a part and parcel of our high school life. You inculcated in us values to live which will greatly help us in our journey. We thank you for accepting, understanding and loving us despite of our short comings. You serve not only as our teachers but as friend as well to whom we confide our problems and secrets, our encourager who enlighten our minds every now and then, our sympathizer to whom we share our feelings, pain, sorrow, and anguish. Above all our second parents whose warm and tender affection comfort us all through the year. In the midst of hardship, we remain firm and unyielding for you failed not to give us soothing and encouraging words. You serve as our model and aspiration as well.
Our stay here at DueƱas General Comprehensive High School is worth remembering. Were always grateful to you dear teachers. To say goodbye is painful; we depart with hope and prayer that someday, somewhere, somehow, we'll make you proud of us.
Thank you very much for everything you make done for us. We love you very much Ma'am and Sir
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